St. Lawrence and St. Philip Parishes
Monday Night Bingo


Welcome To St. Lawrence The Martyr,
St. Philip, Secondary Mission


Please join our new Facebook Group,
and keep up to date on any and all
information for St. Lawrence and St. Philip Parishes.
Please use the link below to join.


Lenten Luncheons

Join us Wednesdays in Lent for this tasty tradition
of soup, fellowship and prayer. 
Luncheons will be at Noon,
in the St. Lawrence Parish Center.  

 Please sign up on the sign up sheets
the week prior to each Wednesday,

so we know how many to prepare for. 

We will be collecting a free will offering
to help support the Northwestern Food Pantry.

Anyone can come! 
Hope To See You There!


~A Family Perspective~

We may feel like the Prodigal Son
but the gospel wants us to focus on the father
who was forgiving and understanding.
We all make mistakes and need forgiveness.
Who in your family needs your forgiveness
and acceptance this Lent?


~Parenting Pointers~

Enjoy this additional rendition of Gibran’s On Children poem & song.
"Your children are not your children…You may strive to be like them,
But seek not to make them just like you.
For life goes not backward, nor tarries with yesterday." 
Reflect further.


~Marriage Moments~

Think of a way to be playful with your honey tomorrow.
It may sound silly but a little prank my husband has done
is to move a rubber ducky around to different spots in the house and wait for me to notice it.
Bringing a smile to your beloved’s face doesn’t take diamonds, just a little creativity.



 Prayer Requests

Please Keep The Following
People In Your Prayers 

-Judy Diehl-
-Jim Bernoski-
-Marilyn Madden-
-Jon Reibel-
-Mike Sawin-
-Andrew Segal-
-Bill Pavolko-
-Judy Graham-
-Max Stephen-
-Bob Pacansky-
-Kathy (Hudacky) Oswald-
-Ed LaCastro-

-Teofilo Gomez (Mr. Serrano)-
-Steve Smith-
-Bob Stewart- 

-Philip Kleckner-
-Joseph Sharpe-
-Fran Harrington-
-Jim & Norella Consedine-
-Sandy Pavolko-
-Fr. Fischer-
-John & Sharon Shultz-
-The Family of Paul Madden-
-Intentions In Our Prayer Box-
-Our Homebound Parishioners

To Add A Prayer Request,
      Please Contact      
  Norma at 756-3889
or Marie Lavor at 814-587-6094


We are St. Lawrence-St. Philip Church!

St. Lawrence the Martyr Parish is a wonderful welcoming Family of Faith located in Albion, Pennsylvania. Along with St. Philip Church, our mission church in Edinboro, Pennsylvania, we are a great community with two wonderful places to worship. As the People of God, we rejoice in doing our very best to live and love like Christ! We are committed to loving God, loving others, and making disciples. Founders, long-time parishioners, newcomers, and those visiting the area are all welcome. May the Lord’s every blessing be yours today and always!

St. Lawrence Parish Schedule

Weekend Mass
Saturday - 5:00pm

Sunday - 10:00am

Weekday Mass
Tuesday & Wednesday - 8:00am
Thursday & Friday - Noon
No Mass on Mondays

 Holy Hour
Thursdays - Following Noon Mass
No Holy Hour on Weeks of a First Friday

First Fridays
Adoration from 4:00pm to 5:00pm
Mass at 5:15pm

Holy Days
As Announced

Thursdays During Holy Hour
Saturday - 4:15pm - 4:45pm 

St. Philip Mission Schedule

Weekend Mass
Sunday - 8:00am

Sunday - 7:30am 

Holy Days
As Announced

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