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Hello, and Welcome To St. Lawrence-St. Philip Church



~Family Perspective~

Like the vine grower in today’s gospel,
parents must “prune and cleanse” the branches in their family
if their children are going to be rooted.
Discipline, limits and setting goals are a necessary part
of parenting so our children will grow and “bear fruit.”


~Marriage Moments~

Praying together is good,
but your schedule and style of prayer may not match.
For a start, try picking a specific and regular time each day
to say a prayer for your beloved,
perhaps when you start the car,
wash your hands, brush your teeth, etc. Try it.


~Parenting Pointers~

Chores #2: Two weeks ago,
I suggested discussing who does what chores around the house.
Were any decisions made to change jobs?
Are your kids complaining or too busy to help at home?
Have a family meeting and make a plan you can all live with.


We are St. Lawrence-St. Philip Church!

St. Lawrence the Martyr Parish is a wonderful welcoming Family of Faith located in Albion, Pennsylvania. Along with
St. Philip Church our mission church in Edinboro, Pennsylvania, we are a great community with two wonderful places to worship. As the People of God, we rejoice in doing our very best to live and love like Christ! We are committed to loving God, loving others, and making disciples. Founders, long-time parishioners, newcomers, and those visiting the area are all welcome. May the Lord’s every blessing be yours today and always!

St. Lawrence Parish Schedule

Weekday Mass
Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday - 8:00am
Thursday & Friday - Noon

Weekend Mass

Saturday - 5:00pm

Sunday - 10:00am

First Fridays
Adoration from 4:00pm to 5:00pm
Mass at 5:15pm

Holy Days
As Announced

Saturday - 4:15pm - 4:45pm 

Holy Hour
Tuesday - 6:00pm

St. Philip Mission Schedule

Weekend Mass
Sunday - 8:00am

Sunday - 7:30am 

Holy Days
As Announced

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